Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Abortion Language in Health Care Bill

While supporters of health care reform claim that they are working to help the less fortunate, their actions belie their words.  They have steadfastly, and in many ways deceitfully, included language in the bill that would fund abortion and those who would promote abortions.  Health care supporters seek to destroy the most unfortunate of those among us; the unborn child at risk of being killed.  The plan includes a kind of tax on every person's healthcare plan that would then be used to fund abortion. 

Congressional supporters  claim that "federal" funds would not be used for abortion.  This is only partially true in that the accounting gimmick simply uses the insurance companies as a proxy for government support.  This principle that no one should be forced to support that which they find abhorrent is violated whether the funding is through the government directly or a payment forced by law.  The bill also includes funding for "Communty Health Centers" which is simply a code word for abortion providers.  This health care bill must be defeated. 

1 comment:

  1. health care supporters do always like this.


    'very interesting post'


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